Lionel Richie


Sad I missed this guy last week in Shanghai!

I was, however, able to enjoy the awkward taxi cab video ads leading up to the concert. They were clearly scripted for non-native English speakers. It was like Lionel was explaining his concert tour to someone who just came out of a coma. ‘Come hear my music by me, Lionel Richie, at my concert. Where I will play music. At my concert.’


Shameless self plug You can also hear some music by me. On my YouTube YouTube channelchannel. Where I play music. On YouTube.

Trouble with the Feds


But before that – one of a zillion acrobatic junk collectors in Shanghai


At our surprise tree lunch place, the street cops have been giving the shop lady a hard time about the placement of tables and chairs on the sidewalk. It is a wide sidewalk with somewhat steady foot traffic, but never to the point of congestion. He made us move about 2 feet to the left. We felt pretty good that the shop lady gave him a bit of a fight about it – a display of loyalty to a handful of expats in the midst of a xenophobic culture. I managed to get this shot of them arguing.


Stuff Vegetable Man Says


My Chinese stinks. But I do enjoy the amusement of trying to communicate with my neighborhood vegetable man. As we all know, much is lost I translation, so I like to imagine what goes unspoken in our conversations of few words.

Scene: I buy carrots a lot.

Him: I see you are again purchasing a disproportionate amount of carrots. Tell me, is the carrot a staple of your traditional American cuisine?

Me: Not particularly. I enjoy juicing carrots. I add a bit of ginger, sometimes I toss in an apple or orange. I find fresh juice a delightful start to the day.

Him: Well said! Enjoy your carrot juice.

What actually goes down…

Me: Money?
Him: 3.50.
Me: Give you 3.50!
Him: You mmmm?? *making eating motion with hands*
Me: Juice.
Him: Juice. Ha. Ha. Juice.
Me: Bye bye!
Him: Bye bye!